Busy busy and two Ravens / by Helen Hajnoczky

So busy with all this art stuff it seems like there’s barely any time to write about it! I want to do a couple posts reflecting on the awesome stuff I’ve been fortunate to be a part of but I’m always much better at writing about stuff in progress and stuff coming up than looking back at arty happenings. Which is weird because much of my art is all about nostalgia. Hmm. Anyway….

On a non art note today we climbed a mountain and at the top saw two ravens playing in the wind. They had a stick they seemed to be vying for, and they tumbled and soared, letting the wind carry them, using it to swirl around each other, then falling and climbing as they went. It was one of the most majestic and beautiful things I’ve seen. Nature, man. It’s magnificent. Also I shot a roll of film of double exposures, but not of the birds. I felt like I just wanted to watch them and give them my full attention, and that anyway no crummy cellphone photo was going to do the experience justice. It was just about watching them, and letting their amazing play just fill our eyes and hearts.
